Carl B. Schmidt, Entrancing Muse: A Documented Biography of Francis Poulenc, London, Pendragon Pr, 2001, 621 p. The benchmark in English on Poulenc. A fascinating biography and well-documented (620 pages nonetheless!). Full appendices with, for example, the programme...
Carl B. Schmidt, The Music of Francis Poulenc , A Catalogue, Oxford University Press, USA, 1995, 640 p. Indispensable work for university level, this complete catalogue lists (in English) every work, how it came into being, his original manuscripts and analysis....
Francis Poulenc – J’écris ce qui me chanteTextes et entretiens, réunis, présentés et annotés par Nicolas Southon, Fayard, 2011, 920 p. [F] This impressive 900-page book will allow you to discover Poulenc through reviews, tributes, portraits, interviews which have...
Francis Poulenc : Articles and Interviews – Notes from the Heart, Nicolas Southon, translated and edited by Roger Nichols, Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, 313 p. That great authority on twentieth-century French music, the musicologist and writer Roger Nichols, has here...
Francis Poulenc, Journal de mes mélodies, Cicero, 1993, 160 p. [F] In English: Diary of my songs, Gollancz, 1989. Published and annotated by Renaud Machart, this book is the perfect companion to Bernac’s “Poulenc et ses mélodies”, a little less analytical...
Francis Poulenc, À bâtons rompus (écrits radiophoniques, Journal de vacances, Feuilles américaines)), written & edited by Lucie Kayas, Arles, Actes Sud, 1999. [F] A series of radio interviews which cover the particularly eclectic musical tastes of Poulenc. Each...